Doom Eternal is already the gruesome game where the player has to use every dirty weapon he has for mutilating, slashing, piercing, and ultimately killing hordes of demons. But did you know that the burden can become a lot more ...

Recently, Todd Howard has given us an update for The Elder Scrolls 6, and we were not expecting that. He talks about the new Starfield technology, called Creation Engine 2. “It’s like a new tech base. The vast majority of ...

Roblox is one of the most popular games of today, but the curious aspect about it is that it got so popular without being released on the most prevalent platforms of the modern world somehow. At the moment, Roblox has ...

Pokemon Go features quite an unusual cup event that’ll leave you in awe. Cute and funny Bidoof has stolen the spotlight and now it’s everywhere! The Choose Bidoof Cup has just arrived in the Pokemon Go Battle League and you ...

Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be bringing the franchise back to its start. The game takes place during an early point in the life of the Sinnoh region, and players get the task of working on the region’s first Pokedex. With ...

News about a brand-new Crew Pack arriving in Fortnite has created quite the stir lately. The Crew membership comes with a bunch of sleek stuff, including a Battle Pass, exclusive skins, V-Bucks, and other monthly benefits. Now, the July edition ...

We’re only a few days away from the launch of Sniper Elite VR for Quest, PSVR and PC VR. The Virtual Reality adaptation of a fabulous stealth shooter game series aims to bring even more exciting gameplay representing the horror ...

Free Remote Raid Passes are the best for taking on Legendary Pokemon in online battles, and every month Pokemon Go adds some. But, they aren’t given out that easily. You can’t get them from PokeStops or as Gifts.  Niantic, however, ...

Live events in video games are becoming more and more frequent sights thanks to the success of Fortnite’s live music and server-wide events. The Sims 5 may just receive Live Events as a full feature, considering the recently-announced The Sims ...

Loki is now available in Fortnite, and we couldn’t be more excited! Marvel fans have been teased about Loki’s arrival since Season 6 when a loading screen appeared back in May. But why did Epic Games wait so much to ...