Pre-implantation genetic screening of unborn babies is rising in scope and availability as a result of new technology. However, the benefits of these advancements remain unknown, and a candid examination of their enormous moral aspects is now required, concludes a ...

Prescription glasses can help you to see better, but you may not realize that you need them. Sometimes you aren’t aware that your vision is deteriorating, although you may experience headaches, eyestrain and various other symptoms. If you have never ...

Individuals with a more optimistic view of the universe may live longer and healthier lives as a result of less stressful occurrences to contend with, a study reveals. Although optimists behaved and recovered similarly to pessimists in unpleasant circumstances, they ...

Colon cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable cancers, but you need to be aware of the risks. Regular screening can help detect it early when survival rates are highest. The American Cancer Society recommends that people at ...

According to a recent research, having more body fat is a risk factor for adults’ impaired cognitive function, such as processing speed. Even when the researchers considered cardiovascular risk factors, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, or vascular brain ...

If you’re attempting to gain muscle, you’re undoubtedly concerned about protein. Getting adequate protein may help you achieve this objective when combined with resistance exercise, the most effective stimulus for developing muscle growth and strength. Is there, however, the best ...

Here’s what you need to know about this personalized, empowering approach to food. When you’re binge-watching a TV show on the couch, chances are you’re doing something else at the same time, such as reading, scrolling through your phone, or ...

According to significant new research, an increasing number of young individuals are diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer, leading experts to repeat their appeals for early diagnosis and screening. Researchers from the University of Colorado School of Medicine examined data from ...

Researchers discovered that women saw a 49 percent rise in alcohol-related issues, and males experienced a 69 percent increase in alcohol-related problems during the pandemic. However, the reasons for the increase are still unknown.  However, according to a new RAND ...

While someone with a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese, two persons with the same BMI might have quite different quantities of fat, and that fat can be distributed in various regions throughout the body. Recent research reveals ...