Final Fantasy VII Remake has managed to win our hearts since the first day on the market. It was released in 2020, and it is a role-playing action game, both developed and published by Square Enix. It is a remake of ...

Chainsaw Man is a very popular manga series, which has won our hearts since day one. It lasted from December 2018 to December 2020, and its chapters can be found in eleven tankōbon volumes. There will be a second part, which ...

The Mandalorian is a live-action tv series which is developed by Lucasfilm. The action takes place five years after the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The series is a great success, and it has managed to win ...

Minecraft is one of the best games out there, and fans were pleased to enjoy version 1.17.10 recently. However, the update came with some experimental features, which are hidden. Some fans did not like that. The Caves & Cliffs update ...

A new study has recently shown that pieces of evidence of ancient life are present on Mars. The curiosity rover has made an interesting discovery while it was looking at a sedimentary rock rich in clay. It was found near ...

On Friday, San Francisco Bay Area officials made a public recommendation that everybody, including vaccinated individuals, must wear masks indoors. Numerous restaurants are currently requiring them again for workers. Reports show that at least one employer cut off unvaccinated workers ...

Roku devices are great solutions for those who want to stream movies and TV channels as they provide easy and reliable access to numerous free and paid content. The devices provide rapid access to over 4,000 channels, and you can ...

The Fitbit Charge 3 is one of the most popular fitness trackers globally, but it also has some issues, just like any other device. It has one problem that numerous users are reporting – the device doesn’t work correctly, or ...

Apex Legends’ Thrillseekers event is currently live on all platforms. The event features a new Arenas map dubbed Overflow, some new cosmetics for several legends, and three reward tracks that are on shuffle each week until Aug. 3. The event ...

Johto region comes with a really special glass-type Pokemon, called Chikorita. You can now catch it during Pokemon GO’s current event. Right now, Pokemon Go is celebrating its anniversary, and it has prepared a special event.  During this event, players ...