Fortnite is gearing up for a brand-new Crew Pack next month! The Crew membership will come with some sweet and much-awaited rewards, including exclusive skins, V-bucks, and other monthly benefits. A Battle Pass is also expected. The new system that ...

Fortnite Season 6 added brand-new skins, locations on the map, and other stuff yet to be discovered. The biggest focus, however, seems to be on the new weapon crafting feature. Exotic weapons are some powerful guns, but they’re not that ...

Major skin release is expected to land in Fortnite soon! Players have been getting excited about a leaked skin dubbed “Kevin Couture” after many reports hinted at a new skin update. One of the coolest stuff that has helped Fortnite ...

The DC Universe and Fortnite have come along just nice thanks to some of the best crossovers and skins. The Batman x Fortnite comic book is now available, and Fortnite players will be able to get some sleek DC skins.  ...

Reboot a Friend is now officially back to Fortnite, and we couldn’t be happier! After hosting a beta back in January 2021, Epic Games has finally decided to bring back the program. Fortnite is still a huge hit, and there ...

Fortnite Season 6 aired last month (March) and introduced a bunch of new features, including a series of challenging Guardian boss fights, tameable wild animals, and an incredible new weapon crafting system.  One of the best additions is Bunker Chests, ...

Fortnite Season 6 aired a few weeks ago, and a brand-new Battle Pass is now available. There are also many things to unlock, including skins and cosmetics, such as DC Comics hero Raven or Lara Croft.  Given the quality of ...

Epic Games has big plans for this spring, including a new Easter-themed event featuring some of the craziest skins so far and cool rewards. Spring Breakout will air this week and will add some extra fun along with some intriguing ...

Fortnite’s Season 6 aired a few days ago and is already a hit! We have anything we need to start a great adventure from new tameable wild animals, a skill to craft weapon upgrades, to new locations.  The first weeks ...

Fortnite Season 6 has just aired, and a new Battle Pass is now available! The sixth instalment marks the end of a glorious series of fantastic crossovers, sleek skins, and unique features.  The new Battle Pass comes with the same ...