A compact cluster of stars holds a surprise at its core, leaving astronomers in awe. Apparently, a bunch of stars and black holes can get well without a problem. The clump of stars in question, dubbed NGC 6397, is filled ...

Pokemon GO added the Unova Stones a while ago, and every trainer got obsessed with them. The stones are unique, and they can evolve some cool species of Pokemon! The Unova Stones have been a hot topic lately, and trainers ...

Sugar is everywhere, and this is not a good sign. From juices, bread, your favorite McDonald’s fries to condiments, sugar is in everything. Excessive added sugar intake is dangerous, leading to severe health issues, as per new study explains. So, ...

Our solar system is home to one of the most intriguing cosmic features. It offers shelter to even super-Earths and mini-Neptunes, which are up to four times the size of our planet! These super-Earths, however, are not that friendly, and ...

Fortnite welcomes a new batch of challenges, this time around, featuring cute and funny Valentine’s Day-themed stuff. So, get ready to grab some XP and max out your Battle Pass, and break opponents’ hearts! The new challenges also include taking ...

Who says that only PlayStations and Xboxes have to dominate the gaming world? Nintendo brought a powerful alternative in 2017 with its Switch device, but Sony and Microsoft still had the upper-hand. But suddenly and out of nowhere, Huawei seems ...

Most people enjoy video games with Nazis, and another one is on its way for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Namely Paradise Lost, the upcoming game presents the story of Szymon, a 12-year-old boy who discovers a massive Nazi ...

Weight loss vs. fat loss, the battle continues, yet we still don’t know what’s the difference.  It might be challenging for some people to figure out whether they’re losing weight from fat or muscle. But how can you tell the ...

The United Arab Emirates now makes history with its first – and successful – interplanetary mission!  The UAE’s probe, dubbed Hope, in Arabic “Al-Amal,” entered Mars’ orbit on Monday (February 8). The spacecraft is developed to unveil the secrets of ...

On February 18, NASA’s Perseverance rover will arrive on Mars, beginning a new era of exploring the red planet. It will land on the Jezero Crater, located north of the planet’s equator, and it will be a very challenging landing. ...