The official GTA 6 release date may be announced this week, during Take-Two Interactive’s earnings report. Rockstar Games confirmed that they are devoted to the single-player experience. The Take-Two Interactive earnings report will take place on May 18. Though the ...

Windows 10 updates typically introduce new features to users’ computers, but some updates are introduced by Microsoft to remove certain features. The removed features are sometimes replaced by other options, but there are times when the company chooses to go ...

The more steps you take every day, whether they’re all at once or in short sessions, the more you’ll increase your life expectancy. At least, that’s what a new study suggests. Longer and high-intensity workouts are not perfect for everyone. ...

ALMA (the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) offers new data about the most ancient galaxy of its kind ever observed. By the looks of it, things look a bit complicated. Researchers, however, think otherwise. This discovery is essential to solving long-standing ...

There are still weeks before June kicks in, but Niantic knows how to surprise its fandom. News about a new Community Day featuring Gible has been announced recently, and we couldn’t be more excited! After Swablu has stolen the spotlight ...

Though The Sims gained popularity partly thanks to its exaggerated cartoon style, The Sims 5 (though it wasn’t officially announced yet) should say goodbye to that trend by aiming for realism. Many years passed since the original release of The ...

The Sun is perpetually bubbling and bursting thanks to its activity. If the surface eruptions are big enough, they can send billions of tons of plasma and charged particles towards our planet, according to Sciencealert. To analyze those sorts of ...

An international team of scientists reconstructed the history of the largest ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula. The new batch of data unveils incredible yet shocking information about the ice shelf. The team’s goal was to offer the best picture ...

China reached a huge milestone recently thanks to its ambitious Mars mission and rover Zhurong. The country is the first to make an orbiting, landing, and roving operation during its first mission to the Red Planet. Now, Zhurong offers us ...

Fortnite’s cosmetics are one of the coolest stuff ever added, and players know they’re very worthy. The latest item available to unlock is a new umbrella, a sleek glider that shouldn’t miss from your collection! And that’s not all. A ...