NASA’s upcoming mission will explore Saturn’s moon for any signs of life. The space agency will send a sample-return spacecraft, dubbed Dragonfly, to Titan by 2027. The lander will use liquid methane harvested from Saturn’s moon as fuel, and it ...

A team of researchers succeeded in shedding light on how galaxy formation is possible. Apparently, there’s an ancient light that fuels the entire process. The new paper also aims to offer tests for galaxy formation models to understand better the ...

A recent study discusses how more planets could produce atmospheres full of water and keep them, too. Such insights could help our search for other habitable worlds, similar to Earth. Scientists based their work on what they know about Earth ...

A long-standing theory claims a supermassive black hole is capable of lots of things, including wandering through space. A black hole alone is scary enough, but imagine one in motion. How is this possible? Recently, astronomers have spotted a supermassive ...

Considered Earth’s oldest impact crater, the 62-mile (100-kilometre) wide Maniitsoq structure is more complicated than previously thought. New research is now unveiling the crater’s true origin. The structure is approximately 3 billion years old and dates back to the Archean ...

Recently, Russia and China announced their plans to launch a lunar space station. As unexpected as it might be, Moscow really wants to revive the glory of its space pioneering days of the Soviet period. As for Beijing, things are ...

A recent discovery of a meteorite rock found in the desert sands of Algeria intrigues researchers. Apparently, the lost piece could be a part of a baby planet that didn’t survive. As per researchers’ analysis, the meteorite, dubbed Erg Chech ...

Scientists have long believed that space could help form storm-like conditions above our planet, but now they have a photo of what researchers called a plasma space hurricane. The authors of a new paper recently posted in Nature Communications ( ...

NASA’s Mars rover just made its first steps on the dusty Martian ground! Perseverance performed a test drive of 21 feet (6,4 meters), and new data is now available. The rover ventured away from its landing position after landing there ...

The most catastrophic event in our planet’s history in terms of biomes was the mass extinction that followed an enormous asteroid impact. It is the same asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. However, the disappearance of the dinosaurs let mammals ...