If it’s a new month, it’s also time for gamers to check out new titles to play, especially when we’re also talking about a brand new year. 2021 announces to be a great year for fans of video games, as ...

An apple a day keeps… You’ve probably heard this before, but do you actually know why apples are so important? Choosing to eat a variety of foods is, of course, a hallmark of healthy eating. Eating apples, however, is really ...

South America possesses an incredible treasure: the only natural oasis on the continent. Huacachina might seem at first a mirage, snuggled between massive dunes, around a lagoon lined with lush vegetation. But it’s more than that. Here is what you ...

Figuring out the essential nature of reality according to quantum mechanics, is like the most challenging game you’ve ever played. And it can get worse. Imagine that, no matter where you begin with a quantum principle, you always get a ...

Recent activity from Proxima Centauri left astronomers in awe. An odd signal has been detected, and now the possibilities are endless. According to researchers, the peculiar signal, some 980 MHz radio waves, have been received back in April and May ...

We are all getting ready for Christmas and looking forward to opening up our gifts. DAW is also celebrating the winter holidays in games like Dragon Awaken. There’s a new Dragon Awaken X-mas event that went live on 22nd December ...

The R2Games platform is getting two new games just in time for Christmas. The publisher has announced two new titles: Eco City and Lords of the Arena. Eco City is a city simulator where players plan how their city will ...

Neptune is again in the spotlight, thanks to an intriguing, but old discovery. Astronomers detected a few years ago a small vortex and dubbed it Dark Spot Jr, now nowhere to be found. The Sun’s eighth planet is known for ...

A recent study highlights the significance of modern crops. The lives of 3 to 6 million babies a year can be saved, and that’s not all. The news sure does bring us peace of mind at the end of one ...

There are now over 100,000 craters on Moon, and scientists are intrigued. The discovery was made in the low- and mid-latitude areas of the Moon. Scientists used AI that was given data gathered by Chinese lunar orbiters. Here is what ...