You know what they say that everybody makes mistakes, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns about a blunder that vaccinated people with either Pfizer’s or Moderna’s jab make. While over 321 million doses of vaccine were administered ...

We’re all used to the age-old philosophical question “why?”. While many of us are asking why we exist, why do we die, why do we have consciousness, why are we born, why does the Earth rotate around the Sun, and ...

Microsoft recently introduced the world to Windows 11, in parallel with numerous new features, but one of the most impressive ones was the addition of Android apps to Windows. The curious part of that is that the process isn’t the ...

Fortnite chickens may seem like angry balls of feathers and beaks, but they are nearly harmless as they will run away from players as soon as they get close. In contrast to some wildlife, you can’t tame Fortnite chickens, but ...

Hydration is essential during warmer months, and you shouldn’t ignore it. Each person’s hydration needs will be different based on their activity level, age, and health status. Fighting the long, hot days by drinking enough liquids is necessary to continue ...

Even though astronomers are taking more and more seriously the idea to move to Mars in the next decades, humanity still has a lot more to learn about our neighbouring planet. Back in 2018, scientists discovered another incredible thing about ...

Did you applied sunscreen but still been caught out? It’s the worst-case scenario that could happen to you this summer while out in the sun.  In a perfect world, we’d all be super cautious with our high SPF usage, reapply ...

Ghost of Tsushima is already almost a year old, as the game was released in July 2020 after it was developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony. There’s a large open world available in the game, with no ...

The world sure needs more ideas for how to be more friendly with the environment. After all, we all share the same planet, regardless of who we are and our achievements, and moving to another one won’t be possible too ...

We all know or at least heard about the Samsung Galaxy Watch Series. Soon, the famous company will release their newest Smartwatch, Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 4 and we are here to give you more exclusive details in association with ...