Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 – How To Quickly Level Up?

Source: Epic Games

How to level up quickly in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 and grab all that sweet XP? If you’re curious to find out how to get close to Level 100 and climb the ranks faster, we’ve got you covered.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 has aired recently, introducing a brand-new Battle Pass, tons of new skins already and other cosmetics to unlock, an Armored Battle Bus, and more yet to be discovered. So, if you want to improve your in-game experience, we’ve come up with some of the best ways to level up fast and unlock some rare stuff!

Source: Epic Games

Completing Weekly Seasonal Quests is Essential

There is a set of 9 Seasonal Quests every week, on Thursday at 6 AM PT/ 9 AM ET/ 2 PM GMT to complete and earn some sweet XP. The challenges range from easy tasks like dealing damage with a weapon or visiting various POIs, to harder ones like collecting hidden items.

Check out all the Chapter 3 Season 2 Weekly Challenges here.

Also, don’t forget about the daily quests, as they could help you level up even more! Make sure you check them out every day at 6 AM PT/ 9 AM ET/ 2 PM GMT.

Source: Epic Games

Level Up in Creative Mode

As surprising as this might be, leveling up in Creative Mode can offer you easy XP! For example, you can earn up to 12,000 XP for every 15 minutes you spend in Creative playlists. How cool is that?

Source: Epic Games

What’s even better is that thanks to the Chapter 3 update, the Accolade Device is now enabled, so you can earn even more XP by reaching different levels of achievements.

Score a Fortnite Victory Royale

Getting a Victory Royale in Fortnite is by far the best way to level up! You can earn XP for every elimination, and you can also get a lot more for every Storm cycle you survive.

See here how you can score a Victory Royale!

Source: Epic Games

You’ll get a specific amount of XP depending on which place you finish, too! For example, coming first and scoring a coveted Victory Royale will bring you 300 XP.

How to Use Party Assist and Complete Quests Faster?

Source: Epic Games

Party Assist comes in quite handy, being one of the most valuable features Epic has ever released!

For example, if you play with your friends in Duos, Trios, or Squads, any progress you have in Fortnite, including completing challenges, will be shared between all players! How cool is that?

And that works just fabulous when tackling quests with multiple tiers!

Stay tuned for more Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.