There are a few black hole categories, such as stellar-mass black holes, intermediate, and the most challenging, the supermassive black holes (SMBH).  SMBH can reach the order of millions to billions of solar masses. So far, astronomers captured one at ...

If supermassive black holes don’t confuse you enough, well, SLABS are going to leave you in awe. New research indicates the possible existence of SLABS, also known as stupendously large black holes. These are even more significant than the supermassive ...

The Fornax A galaxy is probably one of the most intriguing yet odd galaxies in the Universe. The astronomers have recently done a spectroscopic and imaging study of the galaxy using the AstroSat spacecraft. The new data now offers more ...

NASA released a series of intriguing images of two unique planetary nebulae captured by the incredible Hubble Space Telescope. New insights about how the cosmic bodies can make their dramatic features are available, too! The Butterfly Nebula, also known as ...

WASP-107b is the first fluffy exoplanet ever spotted by astronomers in our galaxy. The exoplanet flaunts quite the traits, and it orbits an orange dwarf star almost 211 light-years away. New research, however, aims to change our perspective about WASP-107b. ...

Traveling to the Red Planet might take us a while, but growing a green crop is almost impossible. Or not? Astronauts spending time on Mars will have to rely a lot on ISRU (in-situ resource utilization), including food because sending ...

NASA performed a check-up on its massive Space Lunar System (SLS) lunar rocket recently and released a status update. The check-up included a test firing of the engines that didn’t go as initially planned. However, NASA engineers explained that they ...

Astronomers detected an intriguing gas giant planet that orbits a star in a triple star system. As confusing as it might be, such a thing is not that weird at all. The system, dubbed KOI-5, is part of the Cygnus ...

Back in 2019, the first bright trails of the Starlink satellites flourished across the night. Such an intriguing event, however, made scientists worry. They believed that the satellites would overshadow the stars. Now, Starlink is almost invisible to the naked ...

An intriguing, rocky, and hot super-Earth amazes scientists with its features. The planet has almost three times the mass of Earth, but their densities are the same. Other measurements indicate the super-Earth is 50 % bigger than our planet and ...