New research raises awareness of the Galapagos Islands’ current situation. There has been found plastic inside marine animals and in the seawater. Researchers discuss some “hotspots” where over 400 plastic particles were discovered per square meter of beach. And as ...

  A group of scientists has published a new plan to save oceans, not only because it’s important, but for our health, too.  The new paper includes 35 ambitious first steps for action by various individuals and groups, such as ...

New research unveils the danger Europe’s biggest ice cap faces. Microplastic particles of various materials and sizes have been found in the Vatnajokull glacier.  As the microplastic issue threatens Earth increasingly more, researchers raise awareness about it, highlighting the dangers ...

As a new study about noisy environments emerges, we learn that noise pollution affects not only animal behaviour but also plants. As we proliferate, we have invaded the wildlife deeper, developing a huge increase in environmental sound with our industry, ...

Between 2019 and 2020, Australia’s Black Summer bushfires brought destruction to land, animals, and natural habitats, in a terrible unchained hell on Earth. The impact was so huge that it still being measured. Recent data unveils shocking consequences to Earth’s ...

The roof of the world will soon feel warmer than usual. New research explains how much warmer temperatures will transform the Tibetan Plateau. The warming process of the Tibetan Plateau has been observed since the 1960s. According to researchers, human ...

As new research emerges, we learn that oil and natural gas production emit a lot of methane, more than previously estimated. The recent batch of data has been released by the SEAS (the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering ...

The Middle East and North Africa Region, also known as MENA, is now a climate change hot spot. Summers there are much warmer than in the rest of the world. Also, some regions are rated as the hottest locations worldwide. ...

As new research emerges, we learn the Amazon is at risk of collapsing, influencing global climate more than previously thought. Factors, like drought, land clearing, and fires, turned the world’s largest tropical rainforest into a real threat. The research aims ...

Climate change is really triggering the allergy seasons, as per new research findings. In the last three decades, warmer temperatures have caused pollen season in North America to increase, and now we encounter 20 days/year. And as if it wasn’t ...