Chemical pollution threatens Earth and poses short-term and long-term dangers for our health. Ozone, acid rain, greenhouse gases, and other chemicals resulting from our activities are all chemical pollution examples.  Recently, an international team of scientists has released a statement ...

The sea levels are still rising, and previous predictions were right. Such a statement came after scientists rigorously verified the early 21st-century climate modelling projections. According to these findings, the sea levels in the coming decades will continue to rise ...

As new research emerges, we learn how significant trees are for our planet. Biologists from West Virginia University released a paper discussing how trees worldwide consume more and more carbon dioxide than previously believed.  Forests are now more important in ...

We usually link food contamination to bacteria on unwashed vegetables or fruits, or uncooked meat. Unfortunately, there are more ways for dangerous contaminants to exist in food.  A researcher examined food contamination originating from the soil where the plants grow. ...

Nature-based solutions might sound like unknown territory for some, but it shouldn’t stay like this anymore. They play a vital role in helping to control nature and even the climate crisis.  The best part is that nature-based solutions, also known ...

Recent research indicates how much energy from renewables Europe has created. And the results are genuinely intriguing. First, let’s say that the new report reaches the EU’s electricity demands a lot. According to energy analysts, last year Europe has made ...

Soil health is as significant as water or air quality. There are approximately 50,000 species of micro-organism/gram of soil, and we shouldn’t ignore this. Any addition of certain microbes can shape the soil traits, such as boosting fertility, turning barren ...

Microplastics represent a threat to oceans, and it has been proved how much danger can cause to aquatic organisms and humans. A new technique aims to fight that by eliminating one of the biggest contributors: the microfibers from our clothes. ...