There is a ton of content in Hogwarts Legacy, but as time passes, more and more seemingly cut content becomes apparent, especially with the addition of new mods. But even without cheating, you can tell that some game content was ...

In order to enhance the wizarding world experience for players everywhere, modders have been working hard and the results are simply magical! Many Hogwarts Legacy players discovered almost right away that the open-world role-playing game offers a lot of room ...

People who are familiar with all the Harry Potter books and movies could have guessed that Hogwarts Legacy would be full of oddities and mysteries, but it’s possible that they didn’t plan on the large number of complex, specific references ...

What precisely does the term “Unspeakable” mean? Professor Hecat admits in Hogwarts Legacy that she was once one. As its name also suggests, discussing this specific profession is absolutely prohibited. Unfortunately, this implies that the Defense Against The Dark Arts ...

With Hogwarts Legacy, players may give their characters original names, personalize their wands, and dress them however they want, and it’s no surprise given the fact that character customization in most role-playing games is taken very seriously. Through a custom ...

The wizarding school Uagadou, which is mentioned in Hogwarts Legacy, differs significantly from Hogwarts in a number of ways, and this even includes the manner in which spells are performed! Based on the stylized map of Uagadou’s location in Uganda, ...

Hogwarts Legacy is a huge success. The game has sold around 12 million copies in only two weeks, and most reviewers and players agree that it’s fantastic, especially if you’re a Harry Potter fan. However, it is not without flaws. ...

By the end of 2023, it’s probable that Hogwarts Legacy will have sold the most copies of any game other than Call of Duty and be the best-selling game of the year overall. Having said that, its reign over Steam ...

Hogwarts Legacy offers players the chance to get up close and personal with a number of the magnificent magical beasts from the entire Harry Potter series. They range in appearance from beautiful, adorable, and ethereal, to threatening and terrifying. Not ...

As Harry Potter fans are already aware, there are four houses at Hogwarts into which students are sorted, and in Hogwarts Legacy, players will have certain special quests that are particular to each house. Although they will all ultimately return ...