At Thwaites Glacier, which is located in West Antarctica, glaciologists have discovered enough signs of warm ocean water penetrating many kilometers beneath the ice that is grounded.  Recent findings showcase the current climate models appear to be underestimating the influence of interactions between ...

Greenland is in more danger than we previously thought. The worst thing here is that we can’t do anything. The rate at which the ice is evaporating from Greenland is being better understood by scientists: the rate of glacier melting ...

New data reveal that Doomsday Glacier is perilously close to collapse than experts believed. What’s more concerning is that there’s nothing we can do anymore. The glacier had episodes of fast retreat during the previous several centuries, which might be ...

A new report shows once again how climate change shapes both the present and future of our planet, triggering the worst-case scenario. This time around, we find about Sweden’s current situation. The country’s tallest mountain peak shrunk a lot in ...

Earth is fueling some underground heat that threatens the Thwaites Glacier, well-known Antarctica’s Doomsday Glacier. Recent research indicates that the atmosphere and the warming ocean are the only culprits dragging Thwaites closer to collapse. Now, the inner Earth is also ...

Recent research shows High Mountain Asia’s current situation, and things don’t look that good. As per new findings, the glaciers in the area have been melting a lot quicker in recent years than previously believed. Also, the glacier melt occurred ...

As a new study about the world’s biggest ice sheets emerges, we learn that there might be bright days after all.  A team of bold researchers led by the University of Michigan released a new report about a doomsday glacier: ...