HIIT is a very effective way to burn fat and improve your fitness level. Gone are the days when you need to spend hours in the gym to see results. HIIT can be completed with no equipment in less than ...

Getting leaner means burning more fat and building more muscle. This is the primary goal for anyone on a weight loss program. It’s not easy to achieve, but if you follow these tips, it’s a lot easier than trying to ...

Jumping jacks, also known as star jumps, are simple and easy to do. They are great for burning calories and building stamina. You can do them anywhere to help you get more fit. Tuck your chin toward your chest, and ...

Weightlifting is one of the best ways to get fit, increase your strength and build muscle. There are many different types of weightlifting workouts, but they all share the same goal: to increase your strength and power. Weightlifting is an ...

When it comes to fitness, one of the most effective activities that you can do is jumping rope. It is cheap and it is portable as well. Jumping rope can give you a great cardio workout as well as help ...

Working out at home has plenty of benefits. You can tailor your workouts to your needs and schedule, you don’t have to worry about fitting into the gym’s schedule or getting there at a certain time of day, and of ...

Everyone seems to be in a fitness frenzy. However, that doesn’t always mean that their enthusiasm remains constant throughout the cold months. If you’re like most people, the idea of exercising during the winter is about as appealing as eating ...

The more time you spend working out, the better. When it comes to workout length, it’s natural to believe that the more hours you spend at the gym, the better your workout will be. However, there are occasions when little ...

Exercise is one of the least enjoyable activities there is. But if you don’t exercise, you are much less likely to live to a ripe old age. Your workouts can go from “How long do I have to endure this?” ...

These exercises for strengthening the shoulder muscles are based on the fact that the muscles that move the scapula, the shoulder blade, are connected with muscles that move the upper arm. The upper arm is attached to the shoulder blade ...