If you want to get fit, you’re better off doing it at a gym. Treadmills, ellipticals, and recumbent bikes are great for people who don’t have a lot of time to work out or for those who prefer exercising indoors. ...

There is an abundance of crunches that you can add to your workout in order to increase the intensity of it. My favorite type of crunch is the explosive crunch, which is where you are pushing yourself up off the ...

This is a very common issue for many people: I join a gym and work out for a week or two, and then lose my motivation. How can I stick with it? The key to sticking with any new fitness ...

If you want to build strong glutes and quads, you should do squats and lunges. However, these two exercises can be extremely different and both have pros and cons. What is the best exercise for your legs? Squats vs Lunges: ...

As you continue your fitness journey, you will inevitably have to contend with the holidays. It’s inevitable because they tend to be packed full of indulgent food and drink, and it’s difficult because they are a time when people often ...

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of fuel during exercise, and many runners use them during training to increase performance. But carbs can be confusing: There are different kinds, and they’re not all treated the same by your body. Understanding ...

Push up is good for your arms, chest, stomach, shoulders and back. When someone does push up they work out their upper body very well and they get a nice shape. You get beautiful arms and a nice looking stomach ...

There are a huge number of ways to exercise and it can be confusing knowing which is best for your body. However, there are certain mistakes that you should avoid if you want to live a long and healthy life. ...

There are lots of reasons to start exercising. It makes you stronger, more flexible, and more energetic. It helps you sleep better and relax more effectively. Plus, it can even make you look better and feel younger! Trouble is, most ...

Cardio before strength training is a great way to burn fat and shed weight, but if you’re trying to gain muscle, it can be counterproductive. Cardio burns calories and energy, both of which are essential for building muscle. Trying to ...