Push-ups Benefits – One of the Most Effective Bodyweight Exercises

Push up is good for your arms, chest, stomach, shoulders and back. When someone does push up they work out their upper body very well and they get a nice shape. You get beautiful arms and a nice looking stomach when you do push ups regularly. You can do them at home or even in your room. You don’t have to go to the gym or hire a personal trainer to have a nice looking figure like celebrities you see on TV. The most important thing is to be persistent and consistent with your practices so you can get great results in no time.

  • Push ups are really good for your heart as well because it makes it stronger than before. They also reduce blood pressure which is beneficial for overall health. Your lungs will also work better after doing push ups because it provides more oxygen to them and therefore making them work better.
  • Push ups are also useful for your back because they make it more flexible and strong than before.
  • Push-ups help to increase the range of motion and flexibility of the joints within the arms. This is beneficial for those who have suffered from injury or disease, as it reduces stiffness. Additionally, this function helps to prevent injury by improving joint mobility and strength.
  • Push-ups are a great full body workout, since you use all parts of your body for this exercise. You need to use your arms, chest and back muscles for push-ups, but also your legs and abdominal muscles.
  • You can do push-ups anywhere – in your home or in nature (trees, rocks or ground). You don’t need any equipment for push-ups and you can do them at any time of the day.
  • Push-ups help to build up your upper body strength, making your shoulders broad and giving you that muscular look. This means that you will be safer from injuries during other activities – climbing, carrying heavy loads, and so on. Powerful upper body also helps you to develop better self-esteem and confidence in yourself.
Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.