New reports reveal that explorations in dark matter are continuously advancing with all kinds of new experimental techniques that are designed to detect axions, using advanced tech. Here are the latest details on dark matter. Turning dark matter into light ...

Even in 2022, astronomers still cannot fully explain what dark matter and dark energy are. The good news is, however, that they don’t stop looking for answers. It’s obvious why curiosity is high, considering that we’re talking about the ‘stuff’ ...

We can simulate the Solar System’s planet movements quite precisely using Newton’s rules of physics. Disc galaxies, on the other hand, were found in the early 1970s to defy Newton’s theory, with stars at their outer borders moving far faster ...

Most astrophysicists agree that our Universe was born along with the Big Bang. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that nothing existed before the birth of our Universe itself. Something totally different might have existed that cannot actually be considered part ...

According to new research, large galaxies may acquire dark matter from smaller galaxies with which they are on the verge of colliding. Computer models were utilized by researchers from the University of California, Irvine, and Pomona College to recreate the ...

We may not know what dark matter really is, but a galaxy lacking this shadowy, invisible substance is quite odd. Recent Hubble data show that a galaxy as vast as the Milky Way has no spiral arms, no bright center, ...

Dark matter is one of the most intriguing subjects in the Universe, even if it has puzzled scientists’ work for decades. However, as complicated as dark matter seems to be, that doesn’t mean we can’t use it to explore the ...

Neutron stars and black holes might be one of the deadliest squads we’ve ever seen. Small black holes could exist in the core of neutron stars with only one mission: devour the host. Astronomers have chosen recently a different approach, ...

A compact cluster of stars holds a surprise at its core, leaving astronomers in awe. Apparently, a bunch of stars and black holes can get well without a problem. The clump of stars in question, dubbed NGC 6397, is filled ...

Nearly 163,000 light-years away from Earth lays an older, significantly smaller galaxy called Tucana II, named after the tropical bird-resembling constellation it is part of. Located at the edge of our galaxy’s gravitational pull, Tucana II gave researchers the chance ...