A new study has revealed cellular activity, hinting at the fact that recycling is in our DNA. Check out more details about the interesting spliceosomes. Cellular activity shows recycling present in our DNA Spliceosomes are microscopic machines that can put ...

According to the latest reports, alien intelligence is more likely to be artificial rather than biological. Cehck out the details for which this could be happening. Alien intelligence could be artificial Many people have been discussing for centuries whether there ...

According to the latest reports, it seems that there are potential signs of life on the exoplanet called K2-18b. Here are the latest details about the discovery below. Potential life signs on the exoplanet? Data collected by the James Webb ...

According to the latest reports, it looks like new malware is on the loose, and your Mac could be in trouble. Check out the latest details about what’s been going on and how you can avoid such issues. New macOS ...

New reports reveal that explorations in dark matter are continuously advancing with all kinds of new experimental techniques that are designed to detect axions, using advanced tech. Here are the latest details on dark matter. Turning dark matter into light ...

It has been reported that Google’s Gemini AI has been facing courage after generating historically inaccurate imagery and biased results. Decentralized AI development could represent the key to creating more unbiased and transparent results. The key to more unbiased algorithms ...

According to the latest reports, it seems that BRICS could start using stablecoins in settlements. This is what a Russian official reportedly said. BRICS could start using stablecoins in settlements BRICS nations have created a special communication channel between their ...

Quantum physics requires high-precision sensing techniques in order to delve deeper into the microscopic properties of materials, writes Phys.org. Here are the latest reports on quantum processors that have emerged recently. A new analog quantum processor is announced Recently, analog ...

It has been discovered that the ultimate sci-fi battery could harness the power of black holes. Here are the mind-blowing details about this below. Batteries that could harness the power of black holes The pursuit to generate more energy using ...

According to the latest reports, it seems that Chinese experts are developing new quantum light sources as a step towards the future of quantum chips. Here are more details about this below. Enter the future of quantum chips A team ...