CNET has begun posting totally auto-generated stories without making any kind of formal disclosure about it, which has caused some people to worry about the rise of AI-written content on the internet. It is said that similar articles have been ...

An experimental vaccination against COVID-19 was given the go-light by South Korean authorities in June, making it the first drug in history to be based on a human-created protein. Researchers developed the vaccine about a decade ago, via a laborious ...

FIFA has recently stated that at the 2022 World Cup, the referees will rely on the support of artificial intelligence to determine offside situations. According to The Verge, “the semi-automated system consists of a sensor in the ball that relays its position ...

Several AI-powered face analysis tools, including one that promises to discern a subject’s mood from videos and images, are being phased out of Microsoft’s public access as of today. Experts have slammed the use of emotion recognition software. But they ...

Since the dawn of time, humans wanted to travel among the stars and the depths of the heavens. While technology allowed the human race to explore a very tiny part of space, astronomers might need to apply a different recipe. ...

Tumor detection from high-resolution medical images is one of the most promising uses of artificial intelligence technology. Paleontologists may utilize the same scanning technology to evaluate dinosaur remains more rapidly. New research published in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science ...

Weekly social encounters create distinct signatures that help individuals stand out. Wearing a mask might help you remain incognito in a crowd. However, AI can still discover you in anonymized mobile phone databases based on trends in your social activities. ...

Scientists found gravitational waves for the first time back in 2015, and since then the scientific field was never the same. LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) is an advanced laser that helped scientists capture such gravitational waves and confirm one ...

It seems that we might be one step closer to finding out more about the real shape of the Universe. Japanese astronomers have come up with new artificial intelligence (AI) technique in order to remove noise from the astronomical data. ...

Each person sees beauty differently, as the saying, “beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.” But what if there’s more than that.  According to a new study, the concept of physical beauty is somewhere in mind, determined by whatever ...