COVID Breakthrough Infection? Here’s What You Should Do

Due to the quick dissemination of the omicron variety, a dramatic increase in breakthrough coronavirus infections amongst immunized individuals is almost probable in the U. S.. These occurrences were uncommon in the pre-omicron era, but the new variation has demonstrated the capacity to bypass the body’s initial barrier of resistance. As a result, many People who have received the vaccinations will test positive at one point.

Coronavirus vaccinations serve as a protective barrier against sickness rather than an unbreakable shield.

Here’s how to deal with a breakout infection if it happens to you.

Test ahead

The most crucial action you can do right now if you’re feeling unwell or fear you’ve been directly exposed to someone infected is to get tested. Although laboratory-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing is the most effective, at-home tests can also discover symptomatic instances.


If there isn’t one symptom but the test was positive, you must quarantine yourself from people for 10 days, starting the day following the testing. You must restart the timer if you acquire symptoms within that period. It’s true that some people find it difficult to isolate, especially when there are numerous people living in the same house. If at all feasible, have a separated room and bathroom and sanitize high-touch items if you must share. We also recommend using a mask and advising people in the household to do just that, keeping at least 6 feet away from nearby persons and dogs, and opening windows for air whenever the weather is right.


Many patients who have had a breakthrough infection may not require any particular attention. It’s likely that your symptoms will go away in a few days. If you’re feeling uneasy, certain at-home and over-the-counter medicines may be able to help.


Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.