The Super Nintendo Entertainment (SNES) console represented a huge upgrade in the gaming industry that took place after the hegemony of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console. The former was based on 16-bit gaming, meaning practically twice more hardware power ...

Hitman 3 is easily one of the best stealth games ever made. The silent assassin Agent 47 has some deadly new tricks up his sleeve to prove that he means business and doesn’t like to waste time. Released in 2021, ...

Finding the desired game back in the ‘80s or ‘90s to run on your NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) console was a real pain. There were over 700 games available for the legendary console, and many of them became absolute blockbusters. ...

One of the Fortnite weekly challenges has players locate and destroy a turret with a remote explosive. To complete the challenge, though, might prove kinda tricky. Remote explosives are new in Fortnite, they were introduced early in Chapter 3. As ...

The first week of May brings us quite the titles in a fresh Top 10 movies, according to JustWatch. Uncharted succeeded in dethroning The Batman, which is somehow shocking, landing in the first place. And the movie, starring Tom Holland, ...

Destroying 200 structures with a Cow Catcher has players struggle a bit, but it shouldn’t be like that! Completing this new weekly challenge can bring you a great deal of XP if you want some to level up in Fortnite. ...

Have you ever wondered what a black hole could sound like? Those huge, dark, and dominating behemoths of the Universe can be considered extremely sinister and evil. Nothing that comes nearby could possibly escape a black hole. NASA has revealed ...

Sniper Elite is by far one of the greatest tactical stealth shooter series available out there, and it has such an insane amount of great gameplay to show to the players! Karl Fairburne never gets bored when it comes to ...

The legendary Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) 8-bit console can be considered the ancestor and godfather of modern consoles that most gamers prefer nowadays. Furthermore, the gaming journey of many folks started in those times when the NES console represented the ...

Casinos are synonymous with all things exciting, cool, glamorous, glitzy, and high-end. They have a mystery feel about them, at least this is how they are portrayed in celebrated movies such as James Bond and Ocean’s 11. But what about ...