Wondering where the Runaway Boulders are in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3? The new features called Runaway Boulders are pretty impressive, even if they didn’t stir a lot of buzz. Runaway Boulders are great if you want to make a ...

When compared to traditional methods of electronic payment, a recent research suggests that Bitcoin uses far less power than traditional methods. According to the author of the report, opponents neglect to contrast the amount of power used by Bitcoin with ...

While we know for sure that Google Pixel Watch is finally on its way to the world, according to the tech behemoth itself, there is still a lot of info to uncover about the upcoming device. The world will likely ...

It’s physically impossible to be a gamer and not have heard about Sonic the Hedgehog. The light-speed fast cute little hedgehog has appeared in 31 main games along with its glorious history. The first one was released over 30 years ...

Our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D under sun exposure, which makes many people not worry about getting enough of the organic molecule. But paradoxically enough, that can lead to vitamin D deficiency in some individuals as they neglect eating the ...

Even in 2022, it can be a little complicated to know if a certain game can run well on our PC. Not everybody has a powerful gaming laptop, but the good news is that there always will be alternatives. According ...

Dragon Ball Super (DBS) has a fair amount of people who dislike the show. But we all have to admit that the anime still brought some new and interesting aspects into the legendary franchise compared to Dragon Ball Z. The ...

Southeast Greenland is home to a small but genetically unique community of polar bears. Polar bears may live without recourse to sea ice, which is essential for their survival, according to researchers who examined and followed the bears. Rather, they ...

On June 16th, House of Cards actor, Kevin Spacey, has appeared in a British court, being charged with sexual assault. According to The New York Times, “the proceedings are a rare example of a celebrity #MeToo case leading to criminal ...

Working from home or going to the official site, we all have to deal with workplace talks and communication.  Empathy is the core of everything, if you don’t empathize with people at work, you will face many issues of a ...