OpenAI’s ChatGPT Will Include a Search Function

ChatGPT, the famous AI chatbot released by OpenAI that represents a dream come true for many who don’t want to work anymore, will soon make it easier for people to use it. That’s because a search function is in the works by the guys from OpenAI.

Once again, the famous Google search engine will have a strong competitor. Even though ChatGPT is still the number one choice by many who want to find out particular information fast, the controversial AI chatbot will become even better once the search function comes out.

OpenAI is already working on it

Bloomberg informs that OpenAI is already working on the search function for its ChatGPT tool. The upcoming feature will work in a simple way: the user will ask for a particular information that will be searched for by the software on the web. The results will then be provided to the user, along with the relevant sources. There’s already a high level of optimism that the software will compete with Google and Perplexity, an AI search startup.

For instance, let’s say you will ask ChatGPT when World War II took place. The AI chatbot will search the web and give you the correct links regarding the subject from platforms such as Wikipedia or various blogs.

ChatGPT will most probably even show you images along with written responses whenever they are relevant, as Engadget has found out. This means that the AI tool will provide images relevant to World War II, for instance, portraying nations and weapons that have been used during the world’s deadliest military conflict that ever took place.

Pretty much everyone has already used ChatGPT already and for good reasons. OpenAI’s AI chatbot is already capable of impressive stuff, especially the premium version of the software. You can either use ChatGPT as a mobile app or directly in the browser.

Cristian Antonescu
Cristian is in love with technology, as are many of us. He has a vast experience as a content writer in the field. He's involved especially in the hardware area, where he covers the latest news regarding smartphones, laptops, PC components, and so on.