‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ Arrives on Crunchyroll

Credit: Shueisha

Less than a week ago, we found out about a list of Dragon Ball movies coming to Crunchyroll. It seems that the list will soon be enhanced with the latest Dragon Ball-related movie. If you’re thinking about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero that came out in 2022, you’re totally right!

It will soon be possible to use the famous Crunchyroll streaming platform in order to watch Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. In this film, it’s up to Gohan and Piccolo to try to save the day from Cell Max and other powerful androids created by Dr. Hedo, who’s a new member of the Red Ribbon Army.

‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ arrives on Crunchyroll on July 12

Even though it won’t be possible to stream the latest Dragon Ball movie on Crunchyroll until July 12, you should definitely get ready for the big premiere if you’re among the numerous Dragon Ball fans.

Say what you want about ‘Super Hero’ – that the story is poor, the transformations don’t make sense, and so on. But it has the merit of being among the few Dragon Ball movies where Goku and Vegeta are totally left aside from the main action.

The 2022 movie will join many other Dragon Ball-related movies that will start streaming on Crunchyroll. Most of the titles are linked rather to Dragon Ball Z than Dragon Ball Super. In other words, the new offer will be dedicated more to the old school Dragon Ball fans rather than those who discovered the franchise due to Dragon Ball Super.

‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ is also the movie where both Gohan and Piccolo become stronger than ever. While the famous Namekian becomes Orange Piccolo, the son of Goku becomes Gohan Beast.

Are you eager to watch the latest Dragon Ball movie on Crunchyroll? Feel free to tell us!

Cristian Antonescu
Cristian is in love with technology, as are many of us. He has a vast experience as a content writer in the field. He's involved especially in the hardware area, where he covers the latest news regarding smartphones, laptops, PC components, and so on.