Back in 2019, the first bright trails of the Starlink satellites flourished across the night. Such an intriguing event, however, made scientists worry. They believed that the satellites would overshadow the stars. Now, Starlink is almost invisible to the naked ...

An intriguing, rocky, and hot super-Earth amazes scientists with its features. The planet has almost three times the mass of Earth, but their densities are the same. Other measurements indicate the super-Earth is 50 % bigger than our planet and ...

A team of scientists from the LLNL (the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) decided to reconstruct the original Solar System.  As the Solar System was born, one of the most massive planets (Saturn and Jupiter) developed really quickly. And as they ...

NASA aims to launch one of the most powerful rockets ever made on January 17.  Even if the SLS (the Space Launch System) rocket launch was previously delayed, it’s still the most-awaited project NASA intends to use for non-commercial crewed ...

An incredible close-up of Mars’ massive canyon is now available thanks to NASA’s HiRISE.  The University of Arizona has released the images, offering more details. HiRISE shot the canyon in an attempt to determine the origins of it. Here is ...

Discovering a genuinely unique magnetar was the highlight of 2020! Astronomers introduced the new “member” to an exclusive family of exotic cosmic bodies.  NASA’s Chandra X-ray offered essential data and supported the idea that the magnetar is also a pulsar. ...

NASA will reach another space milestone thanks to its rover, Perseverance. Not more than 80 million km left to go in its 471 million km mission, the rover is almost there.  Perseverance is close to Mars, and in 43 days, ...

News about Mars’ latest disturbance emerged recently, and it seems quite odd. The Red Planet is shaking and wiggling as it rotates, leaving astronomers in awe. Similar to a toy top that wobbles as it loses velocity, Mars’ poles are ...

If you think you saw it all in 2020, you’re about to be amazed. Apparently, our planet was a rebel, hitting a new speed record. How so? According to new research, Earth was rotating faster in 2020. And it might ...

So far, astronomers amazed us with many fantastic discoveries, including one of the most intriguing stars and planet systems. Every system is unique and moving, but the star HD 158259 will leave in awe. The star is a bit larger ...