ALMA (the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) offers new data about the most ancient galaxy of its kind ever observed. By the looks of it, things look a bit complicated. Researchers, however, think otherwise. This discovery is essential to solving long-standing ...

The Sun is perpetually bubbling and bursting thanks to its activity. If the surface eruptions are big enough, they can send billions of tons of plasma and charged particles towards our planet, according to Sciencealert. To analyze those sorts of ...

China reached a huge milestone recently thanks to its ambitious Mars mission and rover Zhurong. The country is the first to make an orbiting, landing, and roving operation during its first mission to the Red Planet. Now, Zhurong offers us ...

Ever wondered how baby stars are born? What shapes them and gives them the power to survive? With the help of a bold team of astronomers, we can finally watch the birth of a star and what it takes to ...

The Milky Way collision with Gaia-Enceladus, also known as Gaia Sausage, holds the key to an ancient secret: when the oldest stars in our galaxy formed.  Astronomers discovered recently that many of the stars in the Milky Way were already ...

Earth is covered in complex layers of gases that compose the atmosphere. They work as a global shield for all life on Earth. However, we are actively shrinking an entire one of those layers, known as the stratosphere, due to ...

The hunt for habitable planets continues as scientists wonder now how hospitable are actually the red dwarfs. These cosmic features are one of the long-lasting and most common stars in the Milky Way, and they could hide more secrets than ...

China is getting ready for a big space event soon, as rover Zhurong will finally land on Mars! The ambitious mission is part of a space programme that aims to raise the country’s global stature and technological might. The touchdown ...

Saturn has puzzled scientists’ work for decades due to its mysterious structure that’s so challenging to probe. Recent data, however, shed light on a subject that intrigues us all: what’s like inside Saturn? Thanks to the gas giant’s unique ring ...

NASA’s Perseverance is now examining the floor of an ancient Martian crater where once there was a lake. The new operational tasks unfold as Ingenuity, the mighty little helicopter ends its bold mission. The rover has been quite busy in ...