The ongoing COVID pandemic has affected each and every one of us in one way or another. Apart from the infection with the virus itself, we’ve all been affected by restrictions and rough measures related to the pandemic. The very ...

Who said that video games could not be made for serious purposes and medical applications? Sure, their primary role is to entertain people. The age-old conception that video games are just for kids is also obsolete. According to, scientists ...

Mindfulness offers advantages in the workplace in the United States. It promotes relaxation, attention, and self-awareness, as well as increased involvement and performance. However, as per new research, many persons are misusing it. Most laypeople conflate mindfulness techniques with unquestioning ...

Nobody likes the idea of suffering from dementia one day. It’s completely understandable. We’re talking about a dreadful condition that has the potential of bringing an intelligent and educated person to the level of a one-year-old child. Dementia has many ...

After a baby is born, many mothers contemplate whether they should be breastfed or not, for how long and if using formula only affects their babies. A follow-up study published in PLOS MEDICINE journal determined that breastmilk and formula do ...

The ongoing COVID pandemic has caused a lot of unwanted scenarios across the world. Nobody wants to see restrictions over restrictions, hospitalizations, deaths, and so on.  The vaccines were imposed in an attempt to stop the spread, but there are ...

Although technology and medicine have evolved a long way in the past decades, strokes and dementia are still challenging to predict and avoid. Once a patient is diagnosed with dementia, the current treatments can only slow down the disease but ...

Antibiotics have been created to help people recover from different types of infections, especially bacterial infections. However, they can be prescribed and ingested after a medical provider runs a series of blood tests and confirms a diagnosis. Unfortunately, due to ...

Researchers have detected a new Covid-19 variant in Europe. This new strain has suffered several mutations, and it was responsible for infecting students from a school in Bretagne, France. Local media reported that 24 students and staff members were close ...

On Sunday 14 November, a car exploded at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. The incident killed one person and injured another and the case is investigated by officers from Counter Terrorism North West UK and the Merseyside Police. The Merseyside police ...