Until now, the PfizerBioNTech vaccine, along with Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have received emergency use authorization. This FDA approval requires only three months of trials and two months of data. Because the vaccines do not have full approval yet, ...

The “Deadpool” star works hard in the gym and the kitchen to get that great physique. Not only can Ryan Reynolds manage his meals, but he also has an incredible workout routine! From superhero to the love interest in countless ...

A recent report of the Commonwealth Fund provided a shocking assessment regarding America’s health care system. In contrast to comparably wealthy countries, the U.S. is last when it comes to health care, registering the highest infant and maternal mortality rates. ...

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the number of death rates due to coronavirus infection have surged by 80% in Africa, with a 6,343 weekly rate. During a media briefing, WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhamon Ghebreyesus declared that the Delta ...

Aging is a normal life process, and we all experience it differently. However, aging prematurely is something that we might be able to control. When it comes to daily behaviors that lead to aging, smoking and drinking excessive amounts of ...

The U.S is still struggling to keep Covid-19 outbreaks under control, despite having 70% of the adult population (12 or more) vaccinated with one of the available vaccines: Moderna, PfizerBioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson. According to CDC data, recent outbreaks ...

Sleeping is a crucial part of staying healthy, and researchers are always searching for ways to support that. A recent study, however, found that getting more sleep isn’t always beneficial. Such a thing might come as a surprise for some, ...

The vaccination campaign against the SARS-CoV-2 virus began in the U.S in December 2020, when nurse Sandra Lindsay received the first dose of the PfizerBioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Sandra Lindsay received her first shot in New York, a city that was ...

Since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2019, statistics have determined that more than 198 million people have been infected with the virus, and nearly 4 million have lost their lives. Currently, there are over 15 million active cases, ...

Australia has had so far more than 32,588 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections, and 915 people lost their lives due to complications. Since the outbreak in Wuhan in 2019, the island country has tried hard to keep the coronavirus away, and ...