The new mode in Overwatch 2 grants you godlike abilities never seen before. The new limited-time game mode ‘transforms’ seven of the game’s characters into fearful warriors. For example, Roadhog can transform into a huge, rock-throwing cyclops, while Widowmaker can ...

Last year at the CES, Dell’s sleek Concept Nyx was unveiled as an experimental, not-for-sale home gaming server that effectively functions as an incredible personal GeForce Now to broadcast your games across your home. Now, Concept Nyx is back, better ...

Soon Google Chrome won’t function properly on millions of Windows PCs. Employees and business owners who continue to use an outdated version of Windows must immediately update. The reason? That is due to Google’s upcoming decision to discontinue technical and ...

Wondering where are the Guardian Shields in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1? The new items are now available, and they’re pretty great if you want to block some shots. Epic Games constantly brings tons of new stuff to improve the ...

The Midseason Styles are now available for all Fortnite players, and they look pretty sleek! The new Super Level Styles are perfect for your Battle Pass skins, and if you’re curious about them, we’ve come up with a guide on ...

1899 was canceled, sending fans into a whirl of feelings. Netflix has just announced that 1899 won’t get another season. The mystery-horror series was a major hit on Netflix, and seeing that it won’t get another season is highly unexpected. ...

Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Go is now up for grabs, featuring the Snapdragon 7c+ Gen 3 that offers a 40% faster CPU and 35% faster GPU. How cool is that?! The tech giant has released the Galaxy Book 2 Go ...

There are still many months ahead of a new iPhone launch, but the rumor mill is already stirring quite the buzz. Can you blame it?! According to tech expert Jeff Pu, the next-gen iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro ...

Google is constantly updating its services and devices to allow its users to get the best online and offline experience. Soon, Google Chrome will make it more difficult to download files from websites that are less secure. Learn more about ...

Samsung launched the Flex Hybrid OLED screen that can fold and slide, which looks incredible! The tech giant’s reputation when it comes to OLED displays is undeniable, so seeing a new screen design is definitely a huge surprise. The new ...