Since the dawn of time, humans wanted to travel among the stars and the depths of the heavens. While technology allowed the human race to explore a very tiny part of space, astronomers might need to apply a different recipe. ...

If we humans have to be extra careful when an earthquake happens, any little green men living on Mars might have the same fears. While there’s no definitive proof for the existence of life on the Red Planet, we can’t ...

Where else could astronomers look for alien life in the Solar System when Mars doesn’t show any signs of harboring it? The other planets are either too hot, too cold, or with a gaseous composition. That means that the moons ...

It’s not a secret to anyone that the Solar System has plenty of giant asteroids that could impact our planet one day. Luckily, most of the space rocks that enter our planet’s atmosphere are small enough to be obliterated due ...

Since the dawn of time, some people have suspected that intelligent and extraterrestrial life forms are to blame for creating many of our world’s wonders. That’s the case for the Egyptian Pyramids, for instance, as scientists today don’t have any ...

We all like to think that the Sun is our best friend, and we’re not here to contradict the idea. Our star provides heat, energy, and oxygen to all of us. Life wouldn’t be possible without the Sun. But we’re ...

The Moon is a pretty peculiar space object. Not only that it gives us the creeps sometimes when it shows on the night sky in its full phase, or it can regulate the Earth’s wobble on its own axis, the ...

Unfortunately for all of us, the Universe is not a friendly place as we like to believe or as we’ve been told. Meteors fly through the Earth’s atmosphere all the time, and there’s no wonder why a really big one ...

NASA aims to send the first astronauts to Mars by the end of the current decade. While it would be a huge achievement, we are surely asking ourselves why the space agency hasn’t reached that goal already. It’s 2022 and ...

The galaxies, stars, planets, and not to mention natural satellites, none of them always existed. Gravity is one of the main factors that led to their formation, but some other factors could have also occurred. Our Moon is no exception. ...