We often like to believe that the Universe is a pretty safe place, at least for our planet, but studying a little astronomy will change your mind fast. The asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is ...

The world’s most powerful space telescope ever built, meaning NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), released its first full-color images of the distant Universe yesterday, July 12. But that wasn’t all the new stuff that JWST has in store for ...

The Sun is once again giving us the creeps as new solar storms might be on their way. It’s no surprise, after all, considering the tremendous temperatures that exist at our star, especially inside its core: roughly 15 million degrees ...

New findings come to spoil the dreams of many and relieve the tension for others. It depends on which side you are. Someone once said that whether alien life exists or not, both scenarios can be equally frightening. But for ...

Many of us have seen astronauts colonizing the Red Planet in sci-fi movies without even thinking that such scenarios will ever have a chance to become a reality. Humanity is still far from that goal, but it appears to be ...

While space agencies still have a lot of trouble figuring out how to send humans to the nearest planet, maybe landing them on an asteroid would be easier. Similar to how Bruce Willis’s character from the sci-fi Armageddon movie landed ...

NASA hopes to send humans to the Moon once again after more than half a century. If everything goes well, that should happen thanks to the Artemis mission that will take place in 2025 or 2026. But it seems like ...

Asteroids are basically relics from the time our Solar System was born, meaning roughly 4.5 billion years ago. Some of these asteroids are big enough to be potential threats. Others have even become the moons of some planets, even though ...

Mars is located ‘right next door’ judging by an astronomical scale, and it’s the fourth planet from the Sun. This means that astronomers have many chances to study it, although no astronaut has ever laid foot on the Red Planet ...

Since the dawn of time, humans wanted to travel among the stars and the depths of the heavens. While technology allowed the human race to explore a very tiny part of space, astronomers might need to apply a different recipe. ...