The solar system, a place of cosmic choreography where planets pirouette around the Sun in near-perfect harmony, might not be as orderly as it seems. For billions of years, the Sun’s gravity has kept things spinning on the same plane ...

Once you get too close to it, the Sun is nothing like we usually perceive it in our everyday lives. This is now being confirmed by the new observations of the Solar Orbiter of the European Space Agency (ESA) and ...

NASA reveals the approach of another asteroid that gives us the creeps. Today, November 7, the space rock dubbed ‘2022 UN21’ will make its closest approach to our planet. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA brings the news regarding the ...

Going to Mars and living there is a lot more complicated than in sci-fi movies, although we might learn a thing or two from Matt Damon’s character from ‘The Martian’ movie. Scientists need as much information about the Red Planet’s ...

This new instrument is ready to fly to Europa or Enceladus. But for what exactly is this instrument? NASA scientists are trying to find new locations where life could exist. So far, it is Saturn’s moon En, celadus, and Jupiter’s ...

If the dinosaurs had NASA, they would still be roaming the surface of the Earth today. The speculation belongs to the American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and it reminds us all of how truly fragile our planet can be in ...

Astronomers might get closer to the answer to the centuries-old question: is there life on Mars? Ever since Galileo Galilei discovered our neighboring planet back in 1610, it became clear that astronomers would have a lot of work to do. ...

China launched the ASO-S satellite to research solar and space weather in what seems to be one of the most challenging space missions the country has developed. The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) satellite was launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch ...

A fantastic image shows a million-mile-long plume emerging from the Sun, and it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. Professional astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took the incredible picture. According to the astrophotographer, the blazing filament, also known as a coronal mass ejection ...

When you think about the possibility for life to exist elsewhere in the Solar System, the first thing that pops into the mind is likely a spacecraft searching across planets such as Mars, Uranus, or Neptune. While there are only ...

The James Webb Space Telescope is maintaining its focus on our own cosmic ‘backyard’: the Solar System. After revealing the first images of Mars, as well as detailed photos of Jupiter, the next-gen telescope has now unveiled a new photo ...

Taking a look at those distant objects in the Universe, such as galaxies and stars, is so mainstream when it comes to astronomy! Why not study the planets of our Solar System more, instead? Who knows what we can find! ...

Comet C/2021 A1 (aka Leonard) was discovered last year in January when it was zooming at 5 AU from the Sun. Having an orbital period of over 80,000 years, Leonard also has a nucleus that measures about 1km across. In ...

The closest solar system to ours is located about 4.3 light-years away from Earth. It’s known as Alpha Centauri, and it’s the place where at least three planets revolve around the Proxima Centauri host star. In other words, finding interstellar ...

The Universe is not acting very friendly toward us lately, and unfortunately, we have to take into account another asteroid of imposing size that will approach our planet soon enough. 2022 RW is the ‘wiseguy’ in question, and it shall ...

The enormous diversity of life that’s teeming on Earth today (about 8.7 million species, including plants) will be long gone in a few billion years if nothing miraculous and unexpected happens. Let’s just say that the weather will become bad… ...

We don’t know yet how, when, or who will be the lucky passengers, but it seems inevitable that humans will land on Mars. Apart from being a highly-ambitious goal, we can also see it as an important step in exploring ...

Getting to Mars is obviously no child’s play. But once astronomers figure out completely how to land there, they’ll have to grow some plants on the Martian soil as well. While the Red Planet doesn’t have any plants now, as ...

All four giant planets from our Solar System (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) have some level of ‘rings,’ meaning debris from comets, asteroids, shattered moons, etc. If you’re at least a bit interested in astronomy, you know very well that ...

Let’s admit it: despite the huge amount of knowledge that astronomers have about the Universe, sending astronauts to the nearest planet to us is still difficult. At its closest approach, Mars is still tremendously farther away from Earth than the ...

It seems that Earth remains a not-so-safe place, as many of us like to believe. After the 2016 CZ31 and 2013 CU83 asteroids passed by our planet last weekend at great speed, it’s now time for another huge space rock ...

Sending the first astronauts to Mars is hard enough, as space agencies still struggle to find out exactly how to do it. But perhaps bringing rock samples from the Red Planet in order to study them up-close on Earth will ...

We often like to believe that the Universe is a pretty safe place, at least for our planet, but studying a little astronomy will change your mind fast. The asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is ...

The world’s most powerful space telescope ever built, meaning NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), released its first full-color images of the distant Universe yesterday, July 12. But that wasn’t all the new stuff that JWST has in store for ...

The Sun is once again giving us the creeps as new solar storms might be on their way. It’s no surprise, after all, considering the tremendous temperatures that exist at our star, especially inside its core: roughly 15 million degrees ...