Our galaxy is quite ravishing as it unfolds right before our eyes. Astronomers are thrilled anytime they find something peculiar about it because they’re closer to solve some long-standing mysteries. A recent discovery unveils that Milky Way has an odd ...

Exoplanets are pretty much everywhere out there in the vastness of the Cosmos. Almost every shiny star that we see in the night sky should have exoplanets revolving around it. But since findings exoplanets with powerful telescopes isn’t something new, ...

Rogue planets, meaning cosmic objects that aren’t bonded to any solar system, are believed to be pretty common in the Universe. But astronomers would not have believed that they can find an entire population of such planets floating in space. ...

The Milky Way is so huge that the human imagination cannot possibly depict it. Our galaxy measures roughly 100,000 light-years in diameter, meaning that it’s so big that nobody would ever be able to go from one of its edges ...

As the Universe unfolds right before our eyes, we could only be fascinated by its beauty or intrigued by its peculiarity. Recent discovery gets right to the odd category of, ‘what’s actually this thing’? Astronomers detected something strange near Milky ...

Magnetars have been in the spotlight for quite some time, and astronomers’ work has been really puzzled by this very rare type of neutron star. So far, we have 24 confirmed magnetars, and the list could soon grow. The recent ...

Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy that comprises a disc of stars, dust, and gas, and its spiral arms are delimited. Initially, scientists believed that the disc was just flat. Later on, they figured out something else. Apparently, the Milky ...

The Milky Way collision with Gaia-Enceladus, also known as Gaia Sausage, holds the key to an ancient secret: when the oldest stars in our galaxy formed.  Astronomers discovered recently that many of the stars in the Milky Way were already ...

Searching for alien civilizations? Are you sure this isn’t the perfect scenario for an SF movie? Well, not at all. For the people enrolled in the Breakthrough Listen initiative is a non-stop job. This project has now made several attempts ...

Ever wondered what does it look like inside a planet? How about Saturn’s interior? Recent work of Johns Hopkins University offers now a sneak peek inside Saturn, and things are as great as you can imagine. The intriguing glimpse of ...