WhatsApp once again has plans for satisfying its over 2 billion users. The world’s most famous instant messaging app never ceases to amaze us, and it’s now preparing a feature for allowing users to fully encrypt the backups of their ...

Let’s admit it: it’s hard to imagine our lives without WhatsApp these days. Pretty much everyone uses the Facebook-owned service, and it’s almost impossible to avoid using it for yourself. We’re socially forced by our co-workers, classmates, family, and friends ...

We, humans, are social beings. Our most fundamental forms of organization are all revolving around social constructs like family and, to a great extent, society. A fundamental aspect of being part of a society is… socializing! For thousands of years, ...

Everybody knows about the incredible notoriety of Facebook. It’s enough to observe the everyday society and people walking on the street. Many of them are scrolling through Facebook’s news feed on their smartphones. At work, school, cafes, restaurants, or parties, ...

If someone tells you that your data will be analyzed without deciphering, would you believe him? We already know the answer. But still, technology works in mysterious ways. According to Yahoo Finance, the mighty Facebook is reportedly looking further for ...

In 2021 when pretty much everybody is late everywhere and when you can’t take anybody’s word for nothing, the engineers from Facebook who are in charge of the WhatsApp department seemed to have thought about these aspects very well. Group ...

Facebook is currently rolling out a new functionality for those involved in its groups: the “expert” designation for those who manifest advanced knowledge in a certain topic. Facebook is often looking for new ways to improve its services, and it ...

According to psychologists, humans are generally unable to keep a secret, and that’s where the “disappearing messages” function of WhatsApp comes in handy. With over 2 billion users, the Facebook-owned instant messaging app never seems to be slowing down when ...

Apps from the Play Store that have millions of downloads aren’t necessarily reliable, and a new discovery of researchers from Dr. Web proves it. According to LifeHacker.com, those guys found nine apps that gathered over 5.8 million combined downloads that ...

With over one billion active users on Instagram, most of them are using the service for one thing only: visualizing and sharing photos. Whether they belong to models, institutions, ordinary people, exciting activities, political purposes, or more, Instagram photos play ...