Triassic reptiles sprang to dominance for various reasons, including a significant extinction 252 million years ago. According to a recent study, the rate of climate change may contribute significantly to the acceleration of evolution. Scientists focused on the development of ...

It seems that Earth remains a not-so-safe place, as many of us like to believe. After the 2016 CZ31 and 2013 CU83 asteroids passed by our planet last weekend at great speed, it’s now time for another huge space rock ...

Sending the first astronauts to Mars is hard enough, as space agencies still struggle to find out exactly how to do it. But perhaps bringing rock samples from the Red Planet in order to study them up-close on Earth will ...

We often like to believe that the Universe is a pretty safe place, at least for our planet, but studying a little astronomy will change your mind fast. The asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is ...

NASA hopes to send humans to the Moon once again after more than half a century. If everything goes well, that should happen thanks to the Artemis mission that will take place in 2025 or 2026. But it seems like ...

It may be a bit depressing to know that even those huge, shiny, and powerful balls of fire from the sky will face their demise at some point. It’s also the case for our Sun, but there’s no need to ...

There’s an enormous asteroid on its way to Earth, and NASA is watching it closely. Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3) is expected to approach Earth on May 15th, according to NASA. Up to 1,608 feet in width is expected for the ...

NASA informs the world about another big space rock. It’s not mandatory to be an astronomer to figure out that our planet would be very vulnerable in the face of an asteroid that surpasses ‘acceptable’ measurements. The asteroid that makes ...

On the Moon, there exist molecules of water and ice, but how did these materials get up there? There’s a good chance that part of the water on the moon came from asteroids and comets colliding, but recent research reveals ...

Since the dawn of time, humans wanted to travel among the stars and the depths of the heavens. While technology allowed the human race to explore a very tiny part of space, astronomers might need to apply a different recipe. ...