Making money by helping scientists solve a mystery? Well, why not! A recent project has people searching for a meteorite that fell on our planet over Maine. The reward? Up to $25k! You can really say that this is a ...

Recently, astronomers came across a few fascinating leads in the quest for life on other planets. The discovery includes two Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star named GJ 1002. Check out all the facts below. ...

Even though 95% of the Universe is invisible and all of it has pretty much the same temperature everywhere, astronomers still made it possible to study many of the galaxies and stars existing out there. They probably didn’t cover even ...

Meteorites represent leftovers of our Solar System’s formation, but only if at least some small parts of them reach the Earth’s surface. Space rocks that end up burning up completely in our atmosphere don’t qualify as meteorites; they are just ...

NASA reveals the approach of another asteroid that gives us the creeps. Today, November 7, the space rock dubbed ‘2022 UN21’ will make its closest approach to our planet. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA brings the news regarding the ...

If the dinosaurs had NASA, they would still be roaming the surface of the Earth today. The speculation belongs to the American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and it reminds us all of how truly fragile our planet can be in ...

Halloween is just around the corner, and reality can be a lot more frightening than any horror movie. A new audio recording of a solar storm colliding with the magnetic field of our planet can definitely prove it. The recording ...

NASA’s latest spacecraft, dubbed Lucy, will pass by Earth on its way to the distant Jupiter Trojan asteroids, passing only a few hundred miles away from us. According to NASA, some fortunate viewers may be able to see Lucy from ...

Researchers are now able to compute the age and rate of the Universe’s expansion with an unparalleled level of accuracy thanks to a new map of the distances of tens of thousands of galaxies. Even though the cosmos continually expands, ...

There are countless reports across the world about UFO sightings. There are plenty of mysteries and wonders out there in the world. How could a civilization of thousands of years old build something so complex and precise as the Egyptian ...

Taking a look at those distant objects in the Universe, such as galaxies and stars, is so mainstream when it comes to astronomy! Why not study the planets of our Solar System more, instead? Who knows what we can find! ...

Here’s one fact that nobody in the Multiverse can deny: technology is constantly evolving, and it doesn’t give a byte about retrogrades. But what if, at some point, it would be better to be a retrograde? What if Artificial Intelligence ...

Researchers had long been amazed by lonsdaleite, meaning hexagonal diamonds. Now they may finally know the origin behind their existence: a dwarf planet colliding with a big asteroid at a time when our Solar System was only beginning to form ...

Once again, we must be aware of a huge asteroid that’s approaching our planet, unfortunately. 2022 RJ2 is the star of the show this time, and thankfully, we’ll get a happy ending. Asteroids can come in many sizes and shapes, ...

LP 890-9b and LP 890-9c are the monikers of the two new “super-Earth” exoplanets that astronomers have found. As you have already guessed, both are larger than our planet. The two space bodies are orbiting the LP 890-9 star, and ...

The Universe is not acting very friendly toward us lately, and unfortunately, we have to take into account another asteroid of imposing size that will approach our planet soon enough. 2022 RW is the ‘wiseguy’ in question, and it shall ...

A new study delivers a ‘warning to humanity,’ urging swift action to preserve the planet’s 60,000 tree species. The trees’ future seems bleak. Significant biodiversity losses would result from the widespread extinction of tree species. About 75 % of bird ...

According to recent research, Zimbabwe was the home of one of the oldest dinosaur species ever found on Earth and the oldest confirmed dinosaur species ever found in Africa. Mbiresaurs raathi, a 230 million-year-old dinosaur whose neighbors lived in Brazil, ...

The enormous diversity of life that’s teeming on Earth today (about 8.7 million species, including plants) will be long gone in a few billion years if nothing miraculous and unexpected happens. Let’s just say that the weather will become bad… ...

The Sun’s heat is responsible for sustaining all life on Earth. What becomes, though, if the radiation spirals out of control and suddenly billions of tons of charged solar material hurt us at thousands of miles per second? Scientists ensure ...

Triassic reptiles sprang to dominance for various reasons, including a significant extinction 252 million years ago. According to a recent study, the rate of climate change may contribute significantly to the acceleration of evolution. Scientists focused on the development of ...

It seems that Earth remains a not-so-safe place, as many of us like to believe. After the 2016 CZ31 and 2013 CU83 asteroids passed by our planet last weekend at great speed, it’s now time for another huge space rock ...

Sending the first astronauts to Mars is hard enough, as space agencies still struggle to find out exactly how to do it. But perhaps bringing rock samples from the Red Planet in order to study them up-close on Earth will ...

We often like to believe that the Universe is a pretty safe place, at least for our planet, but studying a little astronomy will change your mind fast. The asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is ...

NASA hopes to send humans to the Moon once again after more than half a century. If everything goes well, that should happen thanks to the Artemis mission that will take place in 2025 or 2026. But it seems like ...