The shocking increase of COVID-19 cases throughout the country has many Americans wondering how long the pandemic will last. While no fortune teller can offer a precise timeframe, several medical specialists can provide insight into what the future may promise. ...

All medical researchers knew that the SARS-CoV-2 virus would do what pretty much any other virus does: mutate in order to try to survive. If the Delta variant caused a lot of concerns worldwide, the newer Omicron came and was ...

We know it’s not exactly what you’d like to hear, but new COVID-19 variants will most likely emerge until we’re all either vaccinated, or we’ve dealt with the virus. Dr. Andrew Freedman, from the Cardiff University Medical School, stated that ...

Authorities around the world are relying on COVID vaccines as much as possible. Young citizens such as those of 12-to-15 years old are also targeted, and there’s a newly approved vaccination booster for them. According to The Washington Post, the ...

Even though omicron is confounding the issue about when this will finish, pandemics do ultimately cease. But it won’t be as simple as turning off a light switch: the world will have to learn to live alongside a virus that ...

The Omicron variant of COVID has gone a long road. When pretty much nobody expected, it started to spread at a faster rate than ever. Omicron has become the dominant COVID strain in the USA, and experts are looking for ...

The ongoing COVID pandemic has affected each and every one of us in one way or another. Apart from the infection with the virus itself, we’ve all been affected by restrictions and rough measures related to the pandemic. The very ...

Wearing a mask, hand-washing, and social distance are among of the most efficient measures to avoid contracting COVID-19 and spreading the disease, according to a review of research from around the world. The BMJ, a worldwide health care publisher, published ...

The ongoing COVID pandemic has caused a lot of unwanted scenarios across the world. Nobody wants to see restrictions over restrictions, hospitalizations, deaths, and so on.  The vaccines were imposed in an attempt to stop the spread, but there are ...

It’s quite doubtful that the U.s, much alone the rest of the globe, will be able to eradicate the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 altogether. However, there will come a time when it is no more a pandemic when infections are ...