In order to say farewell to Ash Ketchum, the Pokemon anime is currently making its way through a rather special series. More precisely, the franchise is preparing to transition completely to a new group of trainers with a brand new ...

The God of High School is one of many popular anime adaptations released in the last few years and tells the story of a high school student that joins an international martial arts tournament. The story takes place in a ...

One of the biggest Studio Trigger anime, the classic Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt has been renewed for a second season and the announcement came during a special time – around the studio’s 10 year anniversary! As you may be ...

Fans did not really expect for Yamato to choose to stay in Wano instead of joining the Straw Hats and becoming their next main member, as many of them had been requesting. Naturally, they were really confused about that decision ...

Dr. Stone is one of Shonen Jump’s top titles so it’s no surprise that fans have been looking forward to finding out more news about the release of season 3. This is especially the case due to the fact that ...

The beloved anime is about to make a big return for the third time and while the release is yet to be announced, we at least now know when the trailer is coming and it’s just around the corner! Demon ...

Chainsaw Man has been gaining a lot of attention, becoming a really successful anime from its very debut! As you can imagine, this has led to some fans trying their best to cosplay the titular character and one of them ...

Gege Akutami wrote and illustrated the Jujutsu Kaisen manga series. It was only a matter of time until Jujutsu Kaisen became an anime as well, and the show easily falls into the following categories: Adventure fiction, Dark Fantasy, and Supernatural ...

Fortnite update v20.30 is ready to kick in and introduce some sleek new content, including a Star Wars crossover and anime skins. How cool is that? The upcoming mid-season update could also add new weapons and more crossovers, but we ...

Boruto Episode 232 was eagerly anticipated by all fans, however there was some uncertainty about the release date of Boruto Episode 232. Boruto: Naruto Next Generation is a popular eries.  “CAPTAIN DENKI’S FIRST MISSION” is the title, and the launch date ...