Science Reveals The Benefits Of Corn

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Corn doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Sure, it’s one of the most popular grains globally, and everyone wants a piece, but it is this versatile grain that contributes more than just its looks to so many meals. It promotes overall health and well-being through numerous nutrient-rich benefits while potentially lowering your risk for various illnesses through its consumption. These are just a few benefits offered by this incredibly versatile food source that should give any serious foodie the motivation to start cooking with corn!

Better digestion

Research suggests that eating corn could improve your digestion and lower your cholesterol levels as well. Perhaps you thought corn couldn’t do anything for your stomach. The truth is, it can, and it does. Research published in The Journal of Nutrition show has found that consuming corn-based products not only helps to improve digestion (and thus keeps the blood sugar stable) but can also lower triglycerides by as much as 60 percent.

Satisfying snack

We all know the tendency to overeat when we’re bored or in pain. A snack of corn may help you stay full for longer. Lots of people enjoy popcorn when they’re bored. It’s portable, easy to store and store-purchased, and tastes good. After each snack, corn stays nice and soft in your stomach for a while. A European Journal Of Nutrition study revealed that corn has a 154% satiety level.

Diabetes control

Purple corn is excellent for diabetes control. It has potassium and fiber that keep blood sugar levels steady. Some evidence suggests that eating purple corn may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In fact, the natural pigment of purple corn is its secret that can even prevent diabetes. This corn was associated with increased levels of insulin, as well as activation of the fatty acid receptor-1.

Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.