How To Maintain Your Mindful Eating Habits During The Holidays

Credit: Pexels, Nicole Michalou

Eating mindfully isn’t just for the yoga studio—it’s a lesson we can apply to any aspect of our life, including the holidays!

During the holiday season, it can be tempting to indulge in too much rich food and drink. This is a recipe for weight gain and digestive discomfort. And while it may be hard to say no to your favorite treats during the holidays, taking a mindful eating approach can help you enjoy these special meals without any guilt or regret.

This holiday season, try enjoying all these special meals and snacks with these tips on mindful holiday eating.

1. Slow down, breathe deeply, and think before you eat. Give yourself permission not to talk while you eat; instead, focus on the flavors and textures of the food in front of you.

2. Savor every bite. Enjoy the flavors and textures that this food has to offer — it’s tougher with rich foods like cheesecake or bacon-wrapped dates, but even a small amount of attention will make your experience so much more enjoyable!

3. Chew thoroughly–20 chews per bite is recommended by experts for optimal digestion! If you rush through a meal, you’re more likely to overeat. This is especially true if there are no pauses between courses so that you can catch your breath and reset your hunger signals.

4. Put your phone on silent or vibrate mode! You’ll feel less pressure to respond immediately and more likely to be present during your mealtime conversations with family and friends and enjoy your meal.

5. Eat only when you’re hungry. Many people eat even when they aren’t hungry, especially when around family members who eat a lot. If someone brings out a huge amount of food and offers it to you, say “no thank you” and wait until you’re hungry before going back for seconds or thirds.

Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.