Elon Musk has just announced on his X account that Grok AI is customizing news for users in real time. Check out more about this below. Elon Musk drops news on his Grok AI Here is the message that he ...

The PlayStation 5 has had a well-deserved reputation for being tough to acquire since since it was first released over two years ago. The process of purchasing one of Sony’s new-generation consoles has not been as simple as simply adding ...

The mini beauty fridge trend is a relatively new addition to the beauty aisle, but it’s been doing incredibly well. Mini beauty fridges are sleek, functional pieces that can be added wherever you need them most: on the countertop before ...

Pokemon Legends Arceus is coming to the gaming world in early 2022, and it marks another opportunity for the fans of the famous media franchise to get even more fun than before. New RPG elements will become available for the ...

With cinematographic successes like Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle and Joy, David O. Russell returns to the big screens with its most recent production – Amsterdam. The highly anticipated movie has just dropped its trailer, revealing a constellation of famous ...

The upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero animated movie that will arrive in a few months will be full of exciting new activities. The Red Ribbon Army is back in business by creating new powerful androids. Gohan will reach new ...

Half a billion people are relying on coral reefs for food. This can only mean that the marine creatures are astonishingly important for the environment. Corals are fascinating, but they still provide surprises for researchers. According to Gizmodo, a roughly ...

Who said that only Chinese, Korean, and Japanese companies are in the smartphone manufacturing business? The Indian firm known as Lava is also building phones, laptops, computer hardware, and more. Lava has now presented its new Blaze Pro smartphone, and ...

An expert suggests that tens of thousands of vaccinated individuals may get infected with COVID-19, but most of them won’t be considerably impacted by the virus. The intensity of the illness (which differs from the number of individuals who contract ...

It’s officially 2022, dear boys and girls! The developers of WhatsApp have proven in recent years that the famous app deserves to be insanely popular, but they’ll have an even harder mission this year. Competition is always there, as there ...