Eating well is a key component to health and longevity, but what you eat in your 80s can be different from how you ate in your 20s and 30s. As we age, our bodies go through many changes that affect ...

Fortnite Season 3 Chapter 4 gives you a chance to try your hand at some sleek new weapons. One such weapon is the Cybertron Cannon, called after the mythical city of Cybertron in the Transformers movies. That’s really awesome, isn’t ...

Many of us will have very important and exciting stories to tell to our grandchildren regarding the exploration of space. The Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered many wonders of the Universe during over three decades of activity. If the term ...

Pokemon Go’s newest update is now available, and players can quickly grab some sleek resources to boost their Pokemon.  Candy XL, first introduced in December last year, is an excellent addition if you want to efficiently power up the level ...

Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy A14 5G model has once again surfaced online, and it seems that the previous rumors regarding the chipset of the device were wrong. The new leak comes courtesy of the Google Play Console, and it presents the ...

Scientists have discovered a previously undiscovered kind of plated dinosaur that roamed 168 million years ago, but it is unlike anything we have ever witnessed. The prehistoric fossil is from a stegosaur, a plant-eating dinosaur with a small skull and ...

For decades, scientists have hypothesized that persons infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, which is quite widespread, are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis. This neurological disorder affects a million people in the United States. A group of experts has published ...

Hackers are getting better and better at distributing powerful malware. Our antiviruses need regular updating, as well as our own vigilance. Sometimes it’s enough to put your mind to work enough, without having to rely too much on specific software. ...

Fortnite 16.50 update is finally here, and Epic Games hint at major ‘fan-favourite stuff, including vaulted weapons.  As a new season awaits, this update comes as a real blast! Players have a bunch of sleek cosmetics and skins to enjoy, ...

Boss battles are scattered over the map of Fortnite in each season, which is really incredible considering the perks it comes with! There are also a ton of hidden treasures on the map no matter what season of Fortnite you’re ...