According to long-standing laws and other cosmic rules, stars are formed in thick clouds of molecular hydrogen gas. The full process is complicated, but some recent research can offer enough details except for a thing. What truly determines the level ...

All the Universe’s mess can be sum up in two words: dark matter. Or at least, that’s the most widely spread and accepted hypothesis. Recently, a team of astronomers have decided to take up into account another possibility. Here is ...

A software engineer responsible for stealing data from 106 million people doing business with Capital One Bank in North America also usurped data from 30 other companies, US federal prosecutors say. The servers recovered from Paige A. Thompson’s bedroom during ...

all it a space delivery: After six years in space, the Japanese probe Hayabusa-2 returns home, but just enough time to drop precious asteroid samples there before embarking on a new mission. This refrigerator-sized probe, launched in December 2014, has ...

The European Space Agency has published the first edition of a map of more than 1.8 billion celestial objects in our galaxy, observed with unmatched precision by the Gaia Space Telescope. The event was expected by the thousands of scientists ...

Internet users around the world struggled on Monday to connect to Google services such as Gmail or YouTube, affected by a massive outage, according to the American giant. The outage began to be reported by Internet users from several large ...

Recently, a gene drive research, boosted by an advanced technology dubbed CRISPR-Cas9, has brought significant insights across science. Gene drive organisms, also known as GDOs, are produced with unique features that are also genetically developed to spread through a population. ...

Many types of environmental troublemakers, such as chemicals, has become the most significant concern for scientists. The battle is tough and sometimes hard to follow. A lot of procedures for diminishing environmental and health risks from particles are still in ...

The premise of the ET film and the extraterrestrial is not about to be realized, since the most advanced researches to date have not allowed to detect signal associated with the presence of an intelligent life around the neighboring stars ...

While Dragon Ball is mostly about fighting and getting your hands on the dragon balls to wish for immortality or other greedy wishes, the franchise also has its fair share of fighters who are always prone to making a fool ...