Fortnite Season 5 Week 10 New Challenges: What Should You Know

Fortnite has welcomed another week of sleek challenges, so if you’re on a mission to complete them, we have the complete guide for you.

The game’s season 5 week 10 brings players even more chances to collect the so-needed XP and max out the Battle Pass. And all of that before everything comes to an end, on March 15. Dare to try a new adventure?

Here is what you need to know.

Week 10 Challenges: What to Expect

Week 10 comes with some pretty easy challenges compared to previous ones. This time there’s no time to stress ourselves over some of the most mind-blowing tasks because there are no hidden items. 

Not even unmarked areas to go. So, buckle up everybody, we’re about to discuss every single challenge of season 5 week 10.

Week 10 Epic Quests

  • Go for a swim at Lazy Lake (1);
  • Eliminate IO Guards (5);
  • Use food consumables (3);
  • Upgrade weapons (3);
  • Eliminations with Common Weapons (1);
  • Deal Melee Damage (300);
  • Dance near Pleasant Park (1).

Week 10 Legendary Quests

  • Destroy beds, chairs, or sofas (20/40/60/80/100).

More Details

As mentioned above, this week brings some fun and easy activities; you can complete them during everyday play. From upgrading some weapons, eliminate IO guards, to consume three items of food. 

For example, using food consumables is such an easy task. You can find everything you need inside stores at Misty Meadows or Retail Row. Or swimming at Lazy Lake, all you have to do is to go to the lake, south of the map, between Misty Meadows and the Lazy Lake POI.

Also, getting those eliminations on track with common weapons is pretty simple. You’ll find them on the floor, so just look carefully.

Finally, remember that you’ll need to complete all of the Fortnite Season 5 Week 10 challenges by Thursday, February 11. As you probably know, this occurs every week, so stay focus!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.