Fortnite: New 21.20 Update Comes With Indiana Jones Skin, Map Changes, and More

Source: Epic Games

The Fortnite 21.20 update is almost here, and we can’t wait to see the Indiana Jones skin that’s been rumored for so much time!

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 aired a month ago, stirring quite the buzz and adding sleek new content, including a brand-new Battle Pass, exclusive skins, and more. Now, a new update is on its way, expecting to finally unlock the Indiana Jones skin and bring some huge map changes, too.

Here is what you need to know.

Fortnite 21.20 Update: Downtime Info

The Fortnite 21.20 update will kick in on July 5, at 1 AM PT/ 4 AM ET/ 9 AM BST. And as we witnessed before, the matching will be disabled for 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, we have no details regarding how long the downtime will last, but you should keep in mind that everything depends on how much content is added.

Fortnite 21.20 Update: Indiana Jones Skin

Source: Epic Games

The highly-rumored Indiana Jones skin is set to arrive in Fortnite, thanks to the 21.20 update. The iconic character will be finally available, and we couldn’t be more excited!

Epic Games didn’t reveal any information on how we’ll be able to unlock the Indiana Jones skin, but we might get some challenges to complete in order to get the exclusive skin. How cool is that? And if we’re lucky, we might see that happen in no time!

Fortnite 21.20 Update: Huge Map Changes

Finally, the other big thing to happen to Fortnite is the map change that is rumored to be huge! The Fortnite 21.20 update is said to bring some changes to the Tumbledown Temple landmark, as in the Reality Roots taking it over and turning it into something else.

Check out what @FNComeptitive posted on Twitter:

Other Fortnite 21.20 Update Stuff

There will be more weekly challenges and Vibin’ Quests in Fortnite to help you earn that sweet XP and unlock Darth Vader!

Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes are set to arrive soon in Fortnite:

  • Tracker Device not updating correctly for teams in Creative Mode
  • Server Replays are not accessible
  • Sapling Icon can be misplaced on the Map/Minimap

Stay tuned for more sleek Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.