Destiny 2’s Devs Will Ban Cronus Cheaters and XIM

Credit: Bungie

Uh oh! Someone’s about to get punished! Some Destiny 2 gamers have reportedly purchased third-party equipment to give themselves an advantage, but Bungie isn’t letting things go that way. So, what should we expect next?

Destiny 2’s devs are the newest to declare that it would begin watching, warning, and finally banning all players who utilize controller-spoofing XIM devices or similar to cheat. The move coincides with other major online games, like Call of Duty and Overwatch, which implemented techniques to precisely detect the hardware and either tamper with or outright ban gamers using it. Well, things are going to get wild!

Bungie went on further to say that “external aides” are actually a problem that the community is becoming more dissatisfied. You can imagine how other factors as well could really mess with the in-game experience.

What exactly are the devices in question that interfere with Destiny 2’s gaming experience?

The XIM, ReaSnow S1, and Cronus Zen are the gadgets Bungie talks about. The third-party mouse and keyboard interface work pretty much like this: they simulate a controller input, giving users access to some advanced features, including aim assist that is otherwise only available with a keyboard and mouse. Additionally, the cheaters have the ability to run programs that improve shooting quickly, aim, or add other unfair benefits. Well, putting it like this, we can clearly see the issue here.

Finally, since cheating might have an impact on individuals and teams competing in World First Races, Bungie stated that it would be “evaluating all gameplay for violations,” including not just the substantial cooperative PvE content included in Destiny 2. Also, the PvP deathmatch activity will be as well evaluated.

Destiny 2 was an instant hit among gamers! The game, which is set in an incredible “mythic science fiction” world, comes with a sleek multiplayer “shared-world” setting and role-playing, too. Similar to the original, player versus environment (PvE) and player versus player (PvP) game modes are used to split activities in Destiny 2. PvE even includes dungeons, six-player raids, and three-player “strikes” in addition to standard story objectives.

Georgia Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.