We usually link food contamination to bacteria on unwashed vegetables or fruits, or uncooked meat. Unfortunately, there are more ways for dangerous contaminants to exist in food.  A researcher examined food contamination originating from the soil where the plants grow. ...

Einsteinium, or how magical creatures lurk at the corners of the well-known map of elements. That would be a fair description of the mysterious element, but there’s no need to laugh at it. Some things are more than meets the ...

Nearly 163,000 light-years away from Earth lays an older, significantly smaller galaxy called Tucana II, named after the tropical bird-resembling constellation it is part of. Located at the edge of our galaxy’s gravitational pull, Tucana II gave researchers the chance ...

Nature-based solutions might sound like unknown territory for some, but it shouldn’t stay like this anymore. They play a vital role in helping to control nature and even the climate crisis.  The best part is that nature-based solutions, also known ...

New research shows how a mineral that repeatedly shows up on Mars is here on Earth. How could this be possible? Apparently, the Antarctic Ice is not just ice. Very deep-buried, there’s more yet to be explored. Researchers found a ...

Have you ever look at trees on your street and think, “there’s a lot more to them than meets the eye?” Well, you probably should do that. A recent study based on 9,751 participants from Leipzig, Germany, aims to bring ...

Recent research indicates how much energy from renewables Europe has created. And the results are genuinely intriguing. First, let’s say that the new report reaches the EU’s electricity demands a lot. According to energy analysts, last year Europe has made ...

Soil health is as significant as water or air quality. There are approximately 50,000 species of micro-organism/gram of soil, and we shouldn’t ignore this. Any addition of certain microbes can shape the soil traits, such as boosting fertility, turning barren ...

The first dinosaur bone was dug up many centuries ago, in 1676. At that time, the humongous femur was thought to belong to a giant, not a Megalosaurus. We are more than three centuries apart from that discovery. Archaeologists are ...

Global ice is disappearing at an alarming rate, and it seems we can’t stop it. New research brings awareness about this phenomenon, unveiling some shocking facts. Our planet has suffered a loss of 28 trillion tonnes of ice in a ...