Sometimes asteroids come dangerously close to Earth, but they always miss us by a safe margin. Amazingly, astronomers have discovered three NEAs that were previously invisible due to the Sun’s intense light. These asteroids include the largest potentially dangerous object ...

In yet another example of its potential to reveal cosmic secrets, NASA’s most powerful space telescope has determined the molecular and chemical profile of an exoplanet’s atmosphere. Following its debut earlier this year, the James Webb Telescope’s extraordinary infrared capabilities ...

Yes, black holes, the essence of darkness, create some of the brightest lights in space when they release enormous and dazzlingly bright jets of high-energy particles. In particular, the enormous black holes that form the central nuclei of most galaxies. ...

Mars may not have always had a weak magnetic field or an atmosphere with only 1% of Earth’s pressure. Depositional and erosional processes, ubiquitous on Earth and triggered by water, might readily explain many of the surficial features of Mars, ...

As China steps up its challenge to NASA’s leadership in space exploration, the government has announced that it intends to build its first base on the moon by the year 2028. This will be followed by the landing of astronauts ...

NASA has declared that humans could live on the Moon for approximately ten years. On Wednesday was launched the Artemis rocket that contains the Orion lunar spacecraft. The mission of this rocket is to bring the astronauts back to the Moon ...

Even though 95% of the Universe is invisible and all of it has pretty much the same temperature everywhere, astronomers still made it possible to study many of the galaxies and stars existing out there. They probably didn’t cover even ...

Meteorites represent leftovers of our Solar System’s formation, but only if at least some small parts of them reach the Earth’s surface. Space rocks that end up burning up completely in our atmosphere don’t qualify as meteorites; they are just ...

It’s possible that these fantastical creatures of physics have already been observed, as hypothetical bridges connecting disparate regions of space (and time) could look similar to regular old black holes. Nevertheless, there may still be a way to tell them ...

Finding a star in space is relatively easy since they emit a lot of light. They are practically illuminating the Cosmos. Stars are a lot easier to find compared to planets or, not to mention, black holes. But finding a ...